Sunday 15 July 2012

Give  ways a teacher can facilitate dramatic play.


  1. use materials that can be found around them.. such as socks for puppets, tables and chairs for creating scenes for the story.

  2. Guide children to use their imagination to inhabit another world as forms of dramatic play such as in games like 'cops and robbers' and other suitable activities.

  3. Plays are important for the teaching and learning of students. They help to enhance the children's creativity, give knowledge and at the same time develop their social, motor and cognitive skills.

    Teachers can facilitate the dramatic plays by giving feedback on the children's performance to identify the weakness that can be improved in them. Once identified, teachers can come up with ways to help them improve on what they are weak at.

  4. -observe the students' performance and give feedbacks as they finish their performance
    -give some ideas to the students about the dramatic play:they can understand more about the play

  5. -give feedback:the students can improve their acting
    -guide the students:about the story line (plot), their roles (eg: doctor, policeman, teacher, nurse and farmer)

  6. choose a few children short stories/ play that they can role-playing in the classroom.

  7. Improving social skills and behaviors can take place when a teacher facilitates play by helping children to use play materials together, take turns, control impulses, problem-solve, resolve conflicts, and maintain social interaction with peers.


  8. 1)Make comments or feedback on their play
    2)Reflect the emotions children express in their play and actions
    3)Provide varied materials to encourage exploration and play: materials not usually found at home such as finger paints, musical instruments and dress-up clothes. These allow children to engage in open-ended and exploratory play.


  9. - use simple materials which are around them
    - facilitate the students
    - give comments and feedback

  10. - use simple instructions
    -engage them in group works
    - give some feedback which will be helpful in developing their skills
