Tuesday 24 July 2012

State the principles of behavioral theory? try this Q.EDU3103 - Class 2J n 2K (TESL) 

1 comment:

  1. Principles of behavioral learning theory:
    1. REINFORCERS increases the frequency of a behaviour.
    - primary or secondary
    - positive or negative
    - Premack Principle (Grandma's Rule)- promote less-desired behaviour by linking them to more-desired behaviour (reinforcer).

    2. PUNISHMENT decreases the frequency of undesired behaviour.
    - Presentation punishment (Detention, Extra work)
    - Removal punishment (Loss of recess, Loss of privileges)

    3. EXTINCTION decreases and removes the frequency of undesired behaviour.
    - Reinforcement is withdrawn.

    4. SHAPING establishes a new behaviour that is not presently performed by an individual.
    - Use positive reinforcement.
    - Guide behaviour by reinforcing many steps towards desired goal.

    - Positive or negative
    - Something can be given or taken away

    6. REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULES increases the probability, frequency, or persistence of desired behaviour.
    - Continuous
    - Intermittent (Interval or Ratio - Fixed or Variable)

    7. ANTECEDENTS serve as cues indicating which behaviours will be reinforced or punished.
    - Discrimination (detect differences between stimulus situations)
    - Generalisations (respond to similarities between stimulus)
